Are your rounds at the poker table giving you mediocre results? Are your wins not holding up against your losses? The truth is that most poker players are in the same boat. But if you follow a few of these tips for winning poker strategy, you just might see your luck start to change. Although no poker player wins every time, if you strategize well you can certainly up your winnings at the tables.

Only play good games

This may seem obvious – if you want to win consistently, you need to play against weaker players than yourself. But there is a sense among many players of wanting to play against ‘worthy opponents’. Don’t let this egotistical way of thinking get in the way of winning! Be realistic about your current success rate and try to only play games in which you are better than half the players at the table – if you care about winning, that is.

Consider your opponents’ range

A range is the entire spectrum of poker hands a player can have in any given situation. A good player will be able to consider what hands an opponent may have based on the current situation in play. Knowing this can help you call someone’s bluff or know when to hold, play or fold. It can seem daunting, but it’s worth learning how to figure out an opponent’s range if you want to become a skilful poker player. Basing your choices on ‘gut feeling’ rather than information is no better than leaving it up to chance.

Target the weakest link

If you are playing to win and make money, you should have a sharp eye for who at the table is the weakest. Sure, it may seem a little like ‘rules of the jungle’ but think about it this way – if there’s a limping gazelle, some lion will notice and take them down, and don’t you want to be the lion that’s eating tonight? If you notice a sign of weakness, such as checking on the flop and the turn, you know they’re someone to target. Take advantage with an aggressive bluffing strategy, or simply play as many pots with them as you can.

Play fewer hands before the flop

A smart poker player knows when to fold and does not play a hand unless they are confident. One of the biggest mistakes novice players make is playing too many hands before the flop. In fact, the best players only play about 20-25% of all hands! Play smart instead of often – only play strong hands, but play those ones aggressively.

Do more research

These tips only scratch the surface about what makes smart poker strategy. If you want to get good at poker, you have to take it seriously – and that means learning all the ins and outs of the game and different theories of good strategy. Poker is based on so much more than luck – it’s about skill and knowledge. There is no one perfect poker strategy, but the important thing is that you have a strategy!